Jack is married with no dependent children, and at age 60, Jack is made redundant from his job …..

Jack started a business

Jack applied for a number of positions but found his age working against him and decided to buy a tipper truck and become an owner driver.

Pty Ltd company or a Family Trust

Before purchasing a truck, Jack secured a contract with a local contracting transport company specialising in tipper trucks who only deal with sub-contractors operating through either a Pty Ltd company or a family trust


We supplied the new structure

After consultation Jack chose a family trust structure with a corporate trustee.

We supplied the new structure within 24 hours with all necessary ATO registrations and is now a self-employed owner driver operating through a family trust.




The Family Trust Structure

The family trust structure with corporate trustee met the requirements of the contracting transport company and met the personal tax needs for Jack and his family.



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